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Fixed Intraoral Habit Appliances for Treating Childhood Thumbsucking

"fixed intraoral habit appliances are cruel and inflict pain and suffering on children out of all proportion to their necessity"


Moore, N.L. (2003)

This provides a critical review of literature covering the treatment of childhood thumbsucking habits using fixed intraoral habit appliances (hayrake, palatal crib)

Fixed Intraoral Habit Appliances for Treating Childhood Thumbsucking
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This review of literature was written by a librarian from the United Kingdom who became concerned about the use of oral appliances for the use of various myofunctional habit patterns especially thumb sucking. His concerns motivated him to address this treatment regime through literature review, analysis and commentary. The preparation of these materials by the author presents the most extensive and comprehensive information on this topic within the past decades and beyond.

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